Dimitrije Ljoti%C4%87

Dimitrije Ljoti was a Serbian fascist politician and ideologue who established the Yugoslav National Movement in 1935 and collaborated with German occupational authorities in the Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia during World War II.

Dimitrije Ljoti was born in Belgrade onAugust 1891 to Vladimir Ljoti and his wife Ljubica . His father was a prominent politician in the port town of Smederevo and served as the Serbian government consul to Greece. The Ljoti family was descended from two brothers, ore and Tomislav Dimitrijevi, who hailed from the village of Blace, in Greek Macedonia. The origin of the surname Ljoti rests with ore, who often went by the nickname Ljota. The two brothers settled in the village of Krnjevo in or around 1750 and relocated to Smederevo in the latter half of the 18th century. The Ljotis were closely connected with the Karaorevi dynasty, which had ruled Serbia several times throughout the 19th century.

Source: Wikipedia